Asim Peco

Asim Peco (, ; 24 May 1927 – 7 December 2011) was a Bosnian linguist, academician, professor, author and editor.

Peco's work is credited for the development of Bosnian and Herzegovinian linguistics. His areas of specialization include the dialectology of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, namely the Shtokavian and Torlakian dialects. He wrote books on the speeches of eastern and central Herzegovina, speeches of western Herzegovina, Ikavian-Štokavian dialects of Bosnia and Turkish loanwords into them.

His work is cited or referenced by many. For example, his research on eastern Bosnian dialect was discussed at the United Nations' International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Provided by Wikipedia
by Peco, Asim
Published 1985
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