Vlastimil Klíma

Vlastimil Klíma during a lecture on hash functions RNDr. Vlastimil Klíma (born 19 February 1957 in Benešov, Czech Republic) is a cryptographer, computer security expert, and white hat hacker.

As an academic, he taught Applied Cryptography at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague. He is the author of several works in the field of cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures. Klíma received his doctorate from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in 1984.

Dr. Klíma is the former Head of the research and development group at the Federal Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and the Czech National Security Authority.

Klíma authored the world’s first on-the-fly encryption system, Windows 95 (98/NT/2000). As an ethical hacker, he successfully broke SSL protocol.

He currently works in the digital security sector. Provided by Wikipedia
by Klíma, Vlastimil
Published 2017
by Klíma, Vlastimil
Published 2012
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