Albert Forster
Albert Maria Forster (26 July 1902 – 28 February 1952) was a German
Nazi Party politician, member of the
SS and war criminal. During the
Second World War, under his administration as the ''
Gauleiter'' and ''
Reichsstatthalter'' of
Danzig-West Prussia (the other German-annexed section of occupied Poland aside from the
Warthegau), the local non-German populations of Poles and Jews were classified as sub-human and subjected to extermination campaigns involving
ethnic cleansing,
mass murder, and in the case of some Poles with German ancestry, forceful
Germanisation. Forster was directly responsible for the extermination of non-Germans and was a strong supporter of Polish
genocide, which he had advocated before the war. Forster was tried, convicted and hanged in
Warsaw for his crimes, after Germany was defeated.
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