Ludwig Peter Kowalski

Ludwig Peter Kowalski (1 August 1891 - 5 July 1967) was a German painter. He was an artistic companion and close friend of the Expressionist Otto Mueller, exhibiting alongside him from 1926 in the 1922 Group. He produced portraits, still lives, landscapes and cityscapes. His watercolours are particularly noteworthy and are held in collections such as the 20th Century Gallery in Berlin.

From 1947 until his death he focussed on works in glass, designing the window in the Sitzungssaal of Berlin's Bundeshaus, the five round windows in Berlin's Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche, the ground-glass wall in the Schillertheater's foyer, windows in the Berlin churches of St. Rita, the Herz-Jesu-Kirche, the Luisenkirche, St. Elisabeth and St. Ansgar, windows in the Wilhelm-Weskamm-Haus in Berlin and the coloured glass wall in the ''Deutschen Heimat des Ostens''. Provided by Wikipedia
Published 1961
Other Authors: '; ...Kowalski, Ludwig Peter...
Published 1969
Other Authors: '; ...Kowalski, Ludwig Peter...
Published 1971
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