German Castles Association

The [[Marksburg The German Castles Association () or DBV is dedicated to the conservation of historic defensive and residential buildings as witnesses of history and culture and has its headquarters at Marksburg Castle above Braubach on the Rhine. It owns the organisation known as the European Castles Institute (''Europäisches Burgeninstitut'') or (EBI) whose library and archives are housed in Philippsburg Palace in Braubach.

{{Graph:Street map with marks |width=600 | lat=50.7 | lon=10 | zoom=6 | colorScaleField=type |minimap=0 | wdqs= # Each location should show only once. This query may output all the same values as in the other examples, such as "text", "img", and others. SELECT (?item as ?id) (SAMPLE(?coord) as ?coord) (SAMPLE(?type) as ?type) WHERE { ?item wdt:P9725 ?heritageId . ?item wdt:P625 ?coord . ?item wdt:P31 ?type . } GROUP BY ?item }} Entries in the castles inventory database EBIDAT
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