Jaroslav Benda

Jaroslav Benda Jaroslav Benda (27 April 1882 – January 12, 1970 in Prague) was a Czech painter, graphic artist, author, designer of postage stamps and posters, monumental decorations. His contributions significantly affected the development of Czech book graphics.

He graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Prague. From 1907 to 1912 he was an editor of the magazine ''Světozor''. He was advisor to publishers, Jan Laichtr and Jan Štenc for the proposed modification of individual books. From 1920 he was Professor of Applied Arts at the School of Applied Arts. In the years 1926-1928 he was the rector. His students included Zdeněk Seydl, Jaroslav Šváb, Antonín Strnadel, Jiří Trnka and Antonín Homolka. Provided by Wikipedia
by Wirth, Zdenek
Published 1954
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